About Me

I have worked with children and their families in London for fifteen years as an Ofsted Registered Early Years Practitioner (a specialist in the social and educational development of babies and children under five). I began my studies at the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery, and gained a Bachelor of Science from Kings College London, and also have qualifications in child behaviour, special educational needs, infant sleep, maternity care, and most recently, mindfulness. During my career I have also studied nutrition, child wellbeing, speech and language, and fourth trimester wellbeing.
I have carried out research into various school systems and schooling ethos, and have had a unique insight into the admissions process (at 4+, 7+ and 11+). ​I have aided children with speech delay, occupational therapy needs, sensory needs, and ocular needs. I have helped families through the arrival of new babies, separations, relocations, vacations, weddings, the addition of step-siblings, and transitions into and out of schools. I have worked with children of all ages, and families of all sizes. One of my favourite age-groups to work with has always been toddlers, and far from the "terrible-twos" I see this as a wonderful time of emerging personality, learning and growth
I believe there is a real gap in the provision and availability of support for parents of young children - who can parents of toddlers and preschoolers turn to for emotional, physical and informational support? As I often say to parents when we first meet, there has has never been a "toddler doula" - somebody to nurture and protect parents during this part of their child's life.
My work has taught me two main things - that no two children are the same, and that no two families are the same. Each child is unique, and so is every parent. I am an expert in creating strategies and solutions for struggling parents, challenging behaviour, and developmental hurdles. All of my work is backed up by academic research and my qualifications in child development, the early years, and wellness.
I aim to provide encourage growth, support confidence, and inspire solutions for parents who feel that something is missing, something is not working, or something could be improved upon within their family life. My aim is to empower both parent and child!